Calendar Girl: 2020
I can see 2020! Don’t forget to order your Paper Design House 2020 Calendar Girl dress. It’s wearable 365 days of the year! Great for New Year’s Eve, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Bridal Showers, even your office wall calendar.
This dress will forever mark the year’s challenges, let’s hope celebrations too. Draw, circle, ‘X’, mark, '√' the dress to create your 2020 keepsake.
Care instructions: Hand wash with mild soap and drip dry, easy breezy! Washing will give it a softer and silkier feel. Do not bleach, put in a dryer, dry clean, or iron.
Material: Tyvek made from 100% high-density polyethylene fibers, water-resistant, breathable, and virtually impossible to rip or tear.
A-line dress has shoulder Velcro closure. It can be easily cut or sewn to customize to your desired shape or length. The image is on the flip side too! Made in the USA
Available Sizes: Sm (4-6) • Med (8-10) • Lg (12-14)
Shop all our styles: SS21 Summer Sunsets, Spring Blossoms, Poppy Power, & Strike a Posie (tank). Classics Naked Heart: Skeleton, Party Girl: Champagne Cocktail, By the Sea: Beach Scene, Holiday Hostess: Christmas Tree, Birthday Girl (candles), and 2020 Calendar Girl